I'm new to log4j and 3rd party logging systems.  In investigating 3rd party
logging systems, naturally I looked to Jakarta since it is synonymous with
open source excellence.   In reading the log4j documentation it was very
interesting to discover the controversy surrounding jdk1.4 adoption of
JSR47.  I'm using JDK1.3.1 so I wasn't at all hip to the fact that jdk1.4
is getting a logging api, or that this API is actually unsatisfactory to
many.  Well I'm glad to know that the log4j community is concerned about
the nature of JSR47 and is actively working to improve JSR47 and/or
possibly include log4j as the jdk1.4 logging api.

It is a bit overwhelming actually to one day have no knowlege of 3rd party
logging systems and then suddenly find the state of affairs to be one of
such concern.  I feel like I wandered into the trenches!

So I'm a tad confused.  From what I found so far the following opens source
logging solutions exist:

log4j          -    jakarta-apache
JSR47          -    Sun
JLog      -    IBM
LV2       -    Java Logging Framwork by Software Zoo. (Australian open
source project)

Though I am most interested in log4j and will be trying to use and
understand it in the coming days, I am also curious about to the state of
affairs of the other products.  It appears log4j and LV2 share strong
concern regarding JSR47 and it's weakness.  Are they otherwise at odds?  I
understand JLog heavily influenced the JSR47 API.  Is JLog then also
lacking?  What is JLogs relationship to log4j, it sounds like Ceki and
Chris Barlock may have been working togethor at IBM.   If anyone could
provide some background or perspective I'd love to hear about it.

Craig Reichenbach

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