Title: RE: Multiple Appenders


 If I dont want a "priority and above" but just one "priority" per-se , what
is the best mechanism ?


:+>-----Original Message-----
:+>From: Sam Newman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
:+>Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 11:09 AM
:+>To: LOG4J Users Mailing List
:+>Subject: Re: Multiple Appenders
:+>I've just found this alternative to logging to different
:+>appenders given the
:+>priority - it comes straight from the log4j FAQ
:+>ty to be exact)
:+>I should of checked it eariler myself!:
:+>"Setting the Threshold option of any appender extending
:+>(most log4j appenders extend AppenderSkeleton) to filter out
:+>all log events
:+>with lower priority than the value of the threshold option.
:+>For example, setting the threshold of an appender to DEBUG
:+>also allow INFO,
:+>WARN, ERROR and FATAL messages to log along with DEBUG
:+>messages. (DEBUG is
:+>the lowest priority). This is usually acceptable as there is
:+>little use for
:+>DEBUG messages without the surrounding INFO, WARN, ERROR and
:+>FATAL messages.
:+>Similarly, setting the threshold of an appender to ERROR
:+>will filter out
:+>DEBUG, INFO and ERROR messages but not FATAL messages.
:+>This policy usually best encapsulates what the user actually
:+>wants to do, as
:+>opposed to her mind-projected solution.
:+>See sort4.lcf for an example threshold configuration.
:+>If you must filter events by exact priority match, then you
:+>can attach a
:+>PriorityMatchFilter to any appender to filter out logging
:+>events by exact
:+>priority match."
:+># Attach appender A1 to root. Set root priority to Prority.DEBUG.
:+>log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, A1
:+># A1 is set to be a FileAppender sending its output to
:+># System.out. However, only error messages and above will be printed
:+># since the threshold is set to Priority.ERROR.
:+># The fact that the root priority is set to Prority.DEBUG only
:+># influences log requests made to the root category. It has no
:+># influence on the appenders attached to root.
:+>log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%p [%t] %c{2}
:+>(%M:%L) - %m%n
:+># Set the priority of the category named
:+>"org.apache.log4j.examples" to
:+># Priority.INFO, attach appender A2.
:+>log4j.category.org.apache.log4j.examples=INFO, A2
:+># Appender A2 writes to the file "test" in user's home.
:+># Truncate 'test' if it aleady exists.
:+># Appender A2 uses the PatternLayout.
:+>log4j.appender.A2.layout.ConversionPattern=%5r %-5p [%t] %c{2} - %m%n
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