
    I need to add some more. If I append(I was over writing) the log
messages to the file it works, but output of first call will be printing
once, 2nd call will print twice, 3rd thrice...like that. Anybody have a
remedy to this please...? My out look like this.
0 2001-07-26 13:19:22,632 [main]ERROR Logger .class  - 1Log message from the
writeLogFile fn.

50 2001-07-26 13:19:22,682 [main]INFO  Logger .class  - 2Log message from
the writeLogFile fn.
50 2001-07-26 13:19:22,682 [main]INFO  Logger .class  - 2Log message from
the writeLogFile fn.

50 2001-07-26 13:19:22,682 [main]DEBUG Logger .class  - 3Log message from
the writeLogFile fn.
50 2001-07-26 13:19:22,682 [main]DEBUG Logger .class  - 3Log message from
the writeLogFile fn.
50 2001-07-26 13:19:22,682 [main]DEBUG Logger .class  - 3Log message from
the writeLogFile fn.

50 2001-07-26 13:19:22,682 [main]WARN  Logger .class  - 4Log message from
the writeLogFile fn.
50 2001-07-26 13:19:22,682 [main]WARN  Logger .class  - 4Log message from
the writeLogFile fn.
50 2001-07-26 13:19:22,682 [main]WARN  Logger .class  - 4Log message from
the writeLogFile fn.
50 2001-07-26 13:19:22,682 [main]WARN  Logger .class  - 4Log message from
the writeLogFile fn.

Hi there,
 I have a function writeLogMsg(priority,msg), which uses a WriterAppender to
write the msg. to a file. My problem is if I call this fn. say 4 times with
different priority and message, the fourth one will be prining 4 times. I
miss the output of first 3 fn. calls.here is the code. Any kind of
suggestions are appreciated.
public void writeLogFile(Priority P, String logMsg) { 
 File f = new File("c:\logfile.log"); // getLogFile();
 FileOutputStream out= new FileOutputStream(f); 
Category root = Category.getRoot(); 
Layout layout = new PatternLayout("%r %d [%t]%-5p %c %x - %m%n"); 
root.addAppender(new WriterAppender(layout,out)); 
} catch(Exception e) 
{ System.out.println(" Exception is caught in writeLogFile method"); } } 

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