I am still unsure as to what exactly you mean by channels - its a term I'm
unfamiliar with in a logging context after having used both log4j and Jlog.
Do you mean a channel in as much as being able to determine exactly where a
log message came from, e.g. this DEBUG message came from User X? If so then
log4j can do this - take a look at the NDC class in the API documentation
(http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/docs/api/index.html). You may also want to
check the FAQ which often seems to be overlooked (often by me!) at

----- Original Message -----
To: "LOG4J Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 8:11 PM
Subject: channels in Log4j

> Hi,
>      This is kind of a conceptual question.  I've been asked to look at
> party loggers, and one main priority is that they have support for various
> channels.  So I am wondering if and how Log4j uses channels.  In a
> logging system I used, every log method took a String channel argument.  A
> properties file maintained a list of these channels and provided the
> ability to turn them on or off (e.g. "channelX=true" (or false) ).  I'm
> trying to discover how this concept applies to Log4j.
> what I mean by channels:
> So  For example, if an Appender such as a RollingFileAppender represents
> overal log stream, inside this are several seperate streams representing
> various sources of logging information.  So if you think of the log levels
> (debug, info, warn, etc) as horizontal control, the channels then
> vertical control.
> Is the answer as obvious as "Categories are log4j's version of channels"?
> If so, how would you toggle a Category between on and off ?  Can this be
> done in the log4j.configuration file?
> Thank you,
> Craig R.

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