Thanks Rick,
  By the way, is there any option to specify how the backup file's name has
to be ? It always creates an extention as .1 , .2 etc to the given filename.
Do we have any control over the rollingoverappender's backup file  name
through apis ?
-----Original Message-----
From: Hansen, Richard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 5:34 PM
To: 'LOG4J Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: properties of rollingfileappender

There is no separate, central document on properties and log4j
configuration. Basically, you have to look at the JavaDoc for the appender
of interest. Log4J follows the Java bean standard. The public setter methods
are going to be the properties you can put in your config file. For example
if I had a RollingFileAppender I called TEXT then I could do :

setMaxBackupIndex() = log4j.appender.TEXT.MaxBackupIndex=10
setMaxFileSize()    = log4j.appender.TEXT.MaxFileSize=500KB
setFile()           = log4j.appender.TEXT.File=C:/logs/service.log

Rick Hansen

> Hi all,
>   How do I find out what are properties of each appender 
> available in log4j
> to configure them in a config file. For example for 
> RollingFileAppender, I
> would like to know the right way/method to find the property 
> name of  max
> backup files index. Please let me know whether theres any 
> common way of
> finding these out.
> Thanks
> Prasad

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