I've looked at the MDC.java class in the CVS repository and I must admit
I'm not sure how this would help me. How would one use this class? How
would I log the individual fields in the appenders? How would I send these
values to a remote log server to log into a database?
The only example I found was MDCStressTest.java and that didn't help

Admittedly, I'm still new to Log4J and don't know much about NDC or MDC,
but I think my proposal may be of benefit to others. It is true that my way
would be more work, but I believe it is something that could be worked in
as part of the foundation of Log4J.

Any thoughts on this? Any ideas?

- Tim

Timothy G. Mullé
Senior Software Architect
Reuters Valley Forge Solutions Center
1000 Madison Avenue
Norristown, PA 19403-2432

Phone: (610) 650-8600 x8340
Fax:      (610) 650-8170

                    Ceki Gülcü                                                         
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         To:     "LOG4J Users Mailing List" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                     
                    08/06/2001           Subject:     Re: Idea on how to make Log4J 
more expandable during runtime.             
                    02:07 PM                                                           
                    respond to                                                         
                    "LOG4J Users                                                       
                    Mailing List"                                                      


This is similar to the recently added MDC (MappedDiagnosticContext) class.
See our CVS repository for more details. Regards, Ceki

At 13:44 06.08.2001 -0400, you wrote:
>     I was thinking, I think I've found a way that we can make Log4J
>expandable at runtime in terms of adding attributes to the Category/Event
>instead of extending classes.
>What if the category class provided an optional method like this:
>"debug(Object message, Map extra)" that took a map of the fields you want
>associated with the Category/Event class.
>Then we'd need a new Layout class that worked just like the PatternLayout
>class but instead of "chars" it used word replacement. There could still
>"default" fields like date/time, thread, etc. but also allow for new ones.
>The fields the PatternLayout uses to find the values would be the same
>names as the ones in the Map passed to it.
>The category class would then build a generic LogEvent message and hold
>onto the new values and pass them around to the appenders/layouts as
>normal, as long as the new Layouts know how to deal with the new patterns
>Here's an example of what I'm thinking..
>// Create the category instance
>Category cat = Category.getInstance("TimsCat");
>// Create the new fields we want to log
>Map extraFields = new HashMap();
>extraFields.put("UserName", "Joe");
>extraFields.put("PassWord", "password");
>// Log the message
>cat.debug("Logging user info..", extra);
>Then on the PatternLayout would be something like..
>// Set up the pattern to print the new fields and some of the default
>// This would print something like:  "11:00:00 - Thread 0 [DEBUG] -
>user info..., UserName=Joe Password=password"
>String pattern = "{$date}{HH:mm:ss} - {$thread} [{$priority}] -
>UserName={$UserName} Password={$PassWord}";
>This way we no longer need to extend any classes to add new fields to the
>category/event, at least that is what I'm hoping for
>What do you think? Does this sound like a good idea? Is there anything
>prevents this that I've missed?
>  - Tim
>Timothy G. Mullé
>Senior Software Architect
>Reuters Valley Forge Solutions Center
>1000 Madison Avenue
>Norristown, PA 19403-2432
>Phone: (610) 650-8600 x8340
>Fax:      (610) 650-8170
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Ceki Gülcü - http://qos.ch

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