At 15:47 08.08.2001 -0400, Kenji Konaka wrote:
> > , is that Weblogic uses two classloaders per application.  One for EJBs
> > and one for the webapp with the webapp's class loader being a child of
> > the EJB's class loader.
> > 
> > So, how are people initialing log4j so that there is a single singleton
> > per application in Weblogic? 
>if EJBclassloader was the parent of the WEBAPPclassloader,
>then putting log4j simply in EJBclassloader's loadpath, may
>simply results in both EJBside & WEBapp side using the same
>singleton (per application), as _usually_ each classloaders
>consult its parent before trying its own classpath...
>but then at least if its within webapp's side, I think it's
>just free to reset one's context classloader, so maybe the
>webapp can temporarily reset its classloader to that of the
>ejbapp while it is constructing log4j related stuff, and
>then rever to its original when done.
>then I'm not really sure if it was allowed to reset one's
>contextclassloader within the code for EJB beans. (wrong?)

Nope, it really is not allowed. Even then, it probably would not help and would surely 
cause a lot of headache. I'd really would not go down this road but that's just mho. 

Ceki Gülcü -

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