I use a modified version of the NTEventLogAppender that sends messages to
OutputDebugString instead of the Event Log... if anyone is interested I can
email it  or commit it into source control...


P.S. You can use the free DebugView
(http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/freeware/debugview.shtml) application to
view the output of OutputDebugString.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Renaud Waldura" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 10:22 AM
Subject: What appender to use for development?

> Dear Log4J Users,
> What appender/layout combination do you use during development?
> Currently we log everything to a file and "tail -f" that file, but it's
> always very practical (Windows equivalent of "tail -f"?). I've looked into
> logging the NT event viewer, but I cannot say I'm thrilled about its
> interface. Besides, I'd rather have something platform-independent, since
> this is how we work.
> Basically I'm looking for something that would show all log message as
> are generated, with some visual cues as to what level/module they
> from.
> I asked earlier this week about a "color layout" that would show colored
> text, but the "TextPanelAppender " I was directed to, was taken out of the
> core distribution and doesn't compile with log4j 1.1.1. It sounded
> though...
> I've also tried ChainSaw, but I feel like it's too limited, and I'm not
> fond of its design, piping log events to a separate process.
> Ideas/advice?
> --Renaud
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