My basic question is whether there's any Filter-like capability that can be configured 
at the Category level rather than at the Appender level? The reason why I prefer it 
there is that I'd like to avoid the overhead of constructing the LoggingEvent if it's 
just going to get rejected by the Appender's filter.

Some more detail. We want to maintain distinct log files for the servlet container and 
the EJB container running inside a single JVM (WebLogic). We can set the NDC when any 
web request comes in, modify it when control moves to the EJB container, and reset it 
when returning to the servlet container. I can use the info in the NDC in an 
Appender-based Filter to discard log events targeted to the wrong appender. Looking at 
the code, it seems to me that an equivalent filtering mechanism at the Category level 
which occurred before (or after ???) the priority checking would allow me to do what I 
want without having to incur the overhead of creating a LoggingEvent object and 
accessing the set of Appenders.

I realize that I could derive my own Category / CatgegoryFactory and get the 
functionality that way. However, that's a more programmatic solution at the 
application level, while the Filtering capability is more declarative. Additionally, 
that could result in us having to change existing application code, something we'd 
love to avoid doing.

If the functionality isn't currently there, and I suspect it's not, might I suggest 
this as an enhancement for the appropriate time in the future?



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