Thanks for your help Jon - I have got both working now.
You are right - the best way to learn is looking at the source and javadoc.

"Jon Skeet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 10/10/2001 14:50:05

Please respond to "LOG4J Users Mailing List"

To:   "LOG4J Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  RE: can I use email and message buffer as appenders?

> I'm new to log4j, so forgive me if this is a stupid question,
> but how can I use email as an appender?


> Also can I use an in-memory buffer as an
> appender, and then retrieve the contents of that buffer at a
> later stage?

It should be fairly simple to subclass WriterAppender to use a
StringWriter, then retrieve the data from that writer later on. You'd
probably want some kind of reset mechanism, too.

> Does anyone know of any other resources for learning about
> log4j (I have
> read Ceki Gulcu's short introduction, which was good to understand the
> basics, but now I feel I need a bit more information)..

Read the source and javadoc? Seriously, it's how I learned a bit more
about what goes on under the covers.

Ceki is currently writing a fuller manual, I believe.


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