> The reason I ask is that in Ceki Gulcu's introductory paper, 
> he uses the
> example of a RollingFileAppender which does have static 
> fields, and so he
> can use the configuration file option and specify properties 
> in the file
> e.g.
> log4j.appender.R.=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
> log4j.appender.R.File=example.log
> I presume with SMTPAppender, and similar appenders, that use of a
> configuration file in this way is not possible?

Oops. I think my last mail was bogus and still doesn't answer your
question. The answer I think I need to give is "I don't know, I'm
not sure if we've tried reconfiguring the SMTP appender on the fly
using the DOMConfigurator".

Does that make more sense?


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