sounds like the rename failed.  Check your permissions.

The renaming uses File.rename(...).  Try method call in a test class somewhere
and see if you can rename it that way -- could give you a clue as to what's



> Hi
> I have a bit of a baffling problem. I am using the RollingFileAppender and
> I can't find the back-up file that should be created once my log file
> reaches the maximum specified size.  It is strange because the log4j
> configuration output seems to indicate that the file has been renamed. The
> output says:
> log4j: Renaming file ..\logs\RmiLog.txt to ..\logs\RmiLog.txt.1
> but RmiLog.txt.1 does not exist anywhere on my drive.
> This is the relevant excerpt from my XML configuration file:
> <!--This is a rolling file appender-->
>      <appender name="ROLLINGFILE" class=
> "org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender">
>        <param name="Threshold" value="INFO"/>
>        <param name="File" value ="../logs/RmiLog.txt"/>
>        <param name="MaxFileSize" value="5KB"/>
>        <param name = "MaxBackupIndex" value="2"/>
>        <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
>           <param name="ConversionPattern" value=" %d{ISO8601} %-5p [%t]
> [%x]: - %m%n"/>
>        </layout>
>      </appender>
> I have looked through the mail archives, but can't seem to find any answer
> to this problem. Any help would be much appreciated.
> Many thanks
> Lyndsey
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