I've been using Log4J on a Linux/Macintosh project for a while, with 
much success.  But I've started to get some Windows users (esp. 
Win98, which seems to be quite popular among my hobbyist users), and 
they're not happy.

I'd like some advice on how to solve two problems.

I'm using a ConsoleAppender and a FileAppender, generally configured as:

   log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%6r %-37.37c{2} %-5p - %m [%t]%n

   log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=%6r %-37.37c{2} %-5p - %m [%t]%n

There's no other configuration information defined; I'm really hoping 
that somebody will tell me the magic words to fix two problems:

a) Seeing the ConsoleAppender.

On the Mac and Linux, standard output is conveniently available in a 
window.  On Windows, when you start the application by clicking on 
the .jar file, the logging standard output doesn't seem to go 
anywhere; I certainly haven't found it.  The only way I've seen to 
get the ConsoleAppender output is to open a DOS window and run from 
the DOS prompt.  But this really isn't a good user experience, to say 
the least.

Does anybody know a better way to handle this on Win95/98 etc?

b) The FileAppender creates files that are inconvenient to look at.

Apparently, the most common way to look at a text file on Windows is 
with the Notepad application, and it insists that line should end 
with _both_ a CR (0x0D) and LF (0x0A) character!!  It certainly 
possible to open with files with a source-file editor, but not 
everybody has one.  As configured, Log4J's FileAppender puts only the 
LF on Win95/98.  This is really Not A Problem on Linux or the 
Macintosh, but again is a real hassle for users.

Can anybody suggest solutions to these? Preferably cross-platform ones?

Thanks in advance.

Bob Jacobsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED], 510-486-7355, fax 510-495-2957)

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