At 18:34 09.01.2002 -0700, T Master wrote:
>Thanks for your reply.
>Dare I upgrade log4j from 1.1.3 to 1.2 in a production environment ?
>Your opinion please?  If not, I'll extend RollingFileAppender for support
>with log4j1.1.3 (whatever the current version im is)'.

I can't give you an honest answer. All I can say is that the alpha tag is there among 
other reasons to scare people away. Sorry for the somewhat zero-knowledge answer.

>No coincidence.  All Great minds think alike :o)
>I've coded up a portion.  One problem I found was OutputStreamWriters
>constructors don't allow appending to be set together with the encoding
>Either one or the other.

I did not know that. Anyway, we are now using instead of

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Ceki Gülcü" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Log4J Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 6:20 PM
>Subject: Re: FileAppender support for file.encoding property
>> Hi,
>> Ooops. I am afraid you are somewhat late.  Encoding support is already in
>log4j 1.2alpha5.
>> Did you already code? If you did, it would be interesting to see if your
>code differs from what already exists.
>> To answer your question. All of 1, 2, 3 and 4 are OK. My order of
>preference is:
>> 1, 2, 3, 4. (coincidence?)
>> Attachments are safer. Some email agents wrap lines at their own will
>which seriously messes up diff files.
>> I strongly prefer diff files to be in the unified format (diff -u option)
>which allows to "read" the diff file without actually applying it.
>> In this case, log4j-dev would seem better suited.
>> Hope this answers your questions. Ceki
>> At 18:02 09.01.2002 -0700, you wrote:
>> >Ceki,
>> >
>> >I am writing the code to modify FileAppender to support a file encoding
>> >i.e. output a Character encoding other than the default for the host
>> >platform.
>> >
>> >How would you like this information?
>> > 1.  A diff result  as a file ?
>> > 2.  A diff result as a copy/paste into an email  (easy to read)
>> > 3. Whole .java  as a file.
>> > 4.  Whole  .java as a copy/paste into an email (easy to read).
>> >
>> >
>> >Which email address should I use?    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ?
>> >
>> >In my current project I need to support unicode (UTF-8) output to log
>> >Log4J does not currently allow me to change the default encoding for my
>> >FileAppenders thought the API.
>> >
>> >Regards and HTH :o)
>> >
>> >T Master
>> --
>> Ceki Gülcü -
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