Maybe PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch helps you.


> I am using log4j with IBM websphere 3.5.4. Every time we have
> to switch off
> the logging, we comment the following line in log4j.prp file.
> log4j.rootCategory=debug, stdout, R
> Every time we have to switch on the logging, we uncomment the
> above line.
> We read the log4j.prp file in a stateless session bean which
> is invoked in
> the init of a startup Servlet.
> Problem we are facing is that every time we have to switch
> off the logging,
> we need to comment the above line in log4j.prp file and
> restart the app
> server again for the change to take effect. This is really
> painful because
> there are many users connected to the server at any point of time.
> Can you guys suggest any better way??
> Regards,
> Sumit Mishra
>  <>

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