A million apologies for the cross post.  I accidently posted this to
the log4j-cvs group (a completely inappropriate group for the

I'm using a SocketAppender in (what I think) is the simplest possible
way.  My config file on the client side looks like:

#-------Client side configuration file-----------------
log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, A1

I'm starting a SimpleSocketServer with the following config file as
the argument:

#-------------Server side config file----------- 
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, LOG_FILE
log4j.appender.LOG_FILE.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p %d [%t] (%F:%L)
- %m%n

Everything seems to be working pretty much as expected except that
the (%F:%L) formatting options in my conversion patterns shows as
"(?:?)" in the rolling file clientLog.  Using the same classes (I did
compile with debugging symbols) with a local appender produces the
correct file and line information. 

I know this is probably something trival but I could not find
anything mentioning it in the archives.


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