Log4J doesn't necessarily violate the EJB spec --- configuring from a file or
outputting to a file does.  If you want to use the FileAppender you'll need to
configure your server to allow access to files (I have no idea how to do that).
Alternatively you could use a JDBCAppender (in cvs under org.apache.log4j.jdbc)
and log to your database.


"Michael Wang (IT)" wrote:

> I'ved asked this question before.
> Now my problem is my Log4J works fine with any classes except EJB beans
> class. Any idea about how to configure WebSphere 4.0?
> I run my J2EE app within WebSphere for a while. Then I examine my log output
> file, it has all necessary output from any java classes except EJB beans. I
> vaguely remember awhile back
> somebody mentioned that Log4J violates EJB spec. Do I need to configure my
> WebSphere 4.0 to allow access to the file (the output is file). Thanks.

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