
We have a distributed system and use Log4J to do all our logging to
files. Our requirement is that we want to log to a central machine. The
two scenarios we have are

1) Either use Log4J to log to syslog of a centralized machine.
2) Log to database.

In syslog all specification of files(appenders) is done in
/etc/syslog.conf. All the file management features like appenders, we
use are of syslog. So what do i specify in my properties.xml file to
load to log4j since i am not associating an appender with a category any
more or do i associate SyslogAppender with  Category. I am not very
clear as to how logging to syslog would work.
In any case how would my /etc/syslog.conf look like for my log messages
comming from Log4J.

If anybody has any idea or opinion on the above two logging scenarios
that we have i would really appreciate it.



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