Hi all,

I have an AsyncAppender appended to the root category.

I have a shutdown thread (registered using Runtime.addShutdownHook) that
must be run when my program exits. In this thread, I log some traces.

As I am in a shutdown process, I don't want the AsyncAppender to be
operational in the shutdown hook (so that I don't have to wait the
AsyncAppender to dump all the events it has buffered). 

I tried to remove the appender by calling
Category.getRoot().removeAppender(myAsyncAppender) and then call
myAsyncAppender.close(). But I does not seem to work, as I see the following

log4j:ERROR Attempted to append to closed appender named [null].

This surprised me, as I explicitly removed the AsyncAppender.

Does anyone known where I was wrong, and how to overcome the problem ???

Thanks & Regards,

J-F Daune

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