Why don't you start with a smaller value for MaxBackupIndex, say 2 or 3.
Similarly, try 10KB instead of 20MB. I also suggest you look at log4j 
internal output
by adding the following directive to your conf file.


Let us know if it does or does not work.

At 10:11 22.05.2002 -0400, Roland Chan wrote:
>We've recently modified a FileAppender to a RollingFileAppender, here is
>our config:
>log4j.appender.trace.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} [%9t] %-5p
>%c{1} %x - %m%n
>Our problem is that the backup file is not being created.  Instead it is
>overwriting the acmeLog after it has reached it's max file size.  There
>are no acmeLog.n files being created.  Any glaring problems above?
>Please help, we'd like to very much use this appender in production at
>some point.
>Software Developer, R&D
>CaseBank Technologies, Inc.
>1 Kenview Blvd.
>Brampton, ON  L6T 5E6
>(905) 792-1981 ext. 519


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