|-----Original Message-----
    |From: Ceki Gülcü [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
    |Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 8:02 AM
    |To: Log4J Users List
    |Subject: Re: JMSAppender in Container Managed Transactions
    |What is your architecture? Which App Server are you using? 
    |Which version of 
    |the JMS spec?
    |ps: I doubt AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode has anything to do with 
    |transactions in 
    |the session.

Did not realize I said it did.  Sorry for any confusion.  I only mentioned
it for completeness because all Producers/consumers need to specify both
options for obtaining jms sessions.  In fact it has absolutely no bearing on
_transactions_ at all from the producer perspective.

However, it can still impact whether message are ultimately delivered to
their destination.  If MessageListeners are attching to your session (MDB or
otherwise) and they fail (with acknowledgement set to auto) then the message
will not be "delivered".  That was my point.

    |At 14:20 06.09.2002 +0200, you wrote:
    |>How can I decouple logging via JMSAppender from the 
    |contrainer transaction
    |>in a stateless session EJB?
    |>I want the JMSAppender to deliver logs even when I call
    |>SessionContext.setRollbackOnly(). As a default,
    |>JMS committs a message to the queue or topic only when 
    |the contrainer
    |>transaction committs. As a side
    |>effect, a log within a failing contrainer transaction 
    |shows up only in those
    |>appenders that do not use JMS.
    |>Am I missing something?
    |>Any help would be appreciated.
    |TCP implementations will follow a general principle of 
    |robustness: be
    |conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from
    |others. -- Jon Postel, RFC 793
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