Hey all,

A quick question.

We've been using Log4j for the Expresso project since before it moved to Jakarta, and it has been extremely faithful. I've been working on how to better set up xml configuration with log4j since DOM configuration has obviously matured greatly since we first dealt with it. :)

The only reason left for using a custom configurator AFAICT is because we expand various properties in the DOM configuration. For example, we define a LOG_DIR property that my configuration loader expands with our desired values.

However, I would LOVE to see our own custom configurator done away with alltogether. I realized that when installing JBoss on my system, that I never had to modify the log4j.xml file so that it starting logging in the right location, so I took a look at this and found:

<appender name="FILE" class="org.jboss.logging.appender.DailyRollingFileAppender">
<param name="File" value="${jboss.server.home.dir}/log/server.log"/>


Does log4j now support 'ANT-like' properties expansions like that listed above where I can set Java properties and have it expanded properly in DOMConfigurator or is JBoss' custom DailyRollingFileAppender doing this??

If log4j DOESN'T do it already, may I ask for it to be put on the feature request list? ;)

Thanks for your time in advance!

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