
is it possible to connect one specific Logger to
different Loggers?
Or would i encounter synchronization problems etc.?

For specific reasons i deployed an entity-based
logger-hierarchy (instead of a package-based tree).

The problem i am facing now is, that some nodes although in
different branches belong to the same kind of category.
These categories should log into one special file.

              /   |   \
             /    |    \      
            /     |     \      
         earth  venus  jupiter
           |              |
           |              |
         moons          moons
           |            / |  \
           |           /  |   \
       TheMoon   Ganymed ... Kallisto 

In the example above i were interested only in 
the activities of moons and would like to 
connect a 'MoonFileAppender' to both
"planets.earth.moons" and "planets.jupiter.moons".

Does that work?
I searched the archives, but because i am new
to log4j i could not find any relevant information
(or didn't understand it  :-)

Thanks in Advance

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