My logging system(on log4j-1.13)  has some extensions based on the idea 
of application server category extension in log4j-1.13 to insert 
informations outside log4j to logs.  In log4j-1.2x, however, extending 
Category/Logger is not recommended and it seems extensions should go to 

One problem rises here: If one extend LoggingEvent without extending 
Category/Logger, there is no way to use this extended LoggingEvent 
class in the system, because the only entry to log4j with LoggingEvent 
exposed is Category#forcedLog(). I haven't found a way to specify a 
extended LoggingEvent class in the configuration files, neither xml or 
properties.  Of course I can hack PatternParser to insert those 
external information but I think it logically incorrect(some 
information should be part of a logging event) and not scalable too.

I find LoggingEvent(in log4j-1.28) still uses  Category and Priority in 
it's constructor instead of Logger and Level, which force my extension 
to use those two deprecated class also.

Does the above understanding is correct?

I used log4j from it's 0.9x versions and still hope to use it as the 
backbone of my logging implementation in the future. Any ideas and 
suggestions about log4j extensions are welcome.


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