
I have released a new version of the SNMPTrapAppender on my Web site
( (

The new version includes the following changes/improvements:

-- based on the ideas in the code contributed by Matt Monks, we have added a
feature that allows a user to have discrete elements of the LoggingEvent
added to the trap PDU as separate VarBinds. This magic is accomplished by
the new SnmpDelimitedConversionPatternLayout class, and is controlled by the
user in the configuration script.  Basically, Matt's simple but brilliant
idea was to embed trap OIDs in the conversion pattern string.  The
SnmpDelimitedConversionPatternLayout is then able to extract those OIDs, map
them to the relevant element of LoggingEvent, and arrange to have that
information added as a VarBind to the trap.

-- a number of changes/improvements prompted by a reading of Ceki's fine new
Log4J book.  The most visible of these is that the Appender now allows the
user to add the stack trace of a Throwable to the trap - the Appender itself
has a new attribute/parameter, "ForwardStackTraceWithTrap", that turns this
on and off.

This is a significant release of the Appender, and I would strongly
encourage anyone using the Appender to download it and upgrade.

A word about version numbers:  given the extent of the changes to this
release, I was inclined to change the version number to "1.3".  However, I
noticed that some of the changes that I undertook, inspired by Ceki's book,
are not binary backwards compatible with older versions of Log4J.  The
newest version of the appender will not compile against a Log4J Jar version
1.2.4, for example.  Therefore, I've decided to number my versions to
"align" them with the corresponding version of Log4j, to help reduce
confusion.  I hope that works!  :-)

As always, comments and suggestions are more than welcome.  And one more
time - thanks, Matt!


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