Ceki Gülcü wrote:
Having said that and I'd hate to be a dimwit, but why are attempts to find the *BeanInfo classes of any consequence? It is a "small" cost which is incurred only once.

Yup, but it's once every time the applet is started, and the applet is started *a lot*. Plus, if you're on a modem or just a slow net then every connection counts, because of the latency.

The background is that this applet is more or less a complete application, as it is the client to our CMS system. It does a whole lot of stuff during startup, and I'm just trying to cut away as much as possible in order to minimize the time it takes. Again, because this applet is started a LOT (every time you decide you want to edit a page in a page, basically).

One solution would be to create a new class, say X, which contains a static method, say overrideDefaultConfig returning a boolean. The static class loader of the o.a.log4j.LogManager class (which is loaded before any logging goes through) can be modified to call X.overrideDefaultConfig to check whether default configuration should be attempted not.

That would work, for sure! In my case it's not much of a deal, because I have to sign the applet anyway (again, because it's really an full-blown application), but for smaller cases it might be useful. Then again, for smaller cases you might not be using log4j on the client, or even in such a way that the startup time matters.


Rickard Öberg

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