My set up is that weblogic (6.1sp3) is being run in development mode.  I
have an EAR deployment and then a web app deployed in "expanded directory
format".  In weblogic, this setup is nice for development because it lets me
move class files out to the web-app without having to restart the server for
the changes to be recognized.

These classes have statically defined logger instances.

Log4j is deployed into the web-app's WEB-INF/lib directory.  I initialize
log4j through a startup servlet defined for the web-app doing a
confugureAndWatch().  The config file is set to append all messages to a

On first startup, this works.  All of my log messages go to the defined log.

However, upon first dynamic class file replacement starnge things begin to
happen.  Some of these messages are still sent to the file (from roughly 3
classes).  Some are now redirected to the console somehow (from a particular
package) and the rest are just lost (or at least dont show up in the file or

Anyone encountered something similiar?  It is so bizarre that I am at a loss
as to where to even start looking.

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