Its a custom package we wrote to maintain logins between different apps
within weblogic.  Here it basically binds sessions between the web-app and
the EAR file.

Do you think changing configureAndWatch() to simply configure() would have
any effect?

-----Original Message-----
From: Ceki Gülcü [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:07 AM
To: Log4J Users List
Subject: Re: Strange behaviour with log4j and weblogic

I've used Weblogic 6.1 sp2 in dev mode but always without configureAndWatch.

Which package is redirected to the console?

At 09:52 AM 6/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>My set up is that weblogic (6.1sp3) is being run in development mode.  I
>have an EAR deployment and then a web app deployed in "expanded directory
>format".  In weblogic, this setup is nice for development because it lets
>move class files out to the web-app without having to restart the server
>the changes to be recognized.
>These classes have statically defined logger instances.
>Log4j is deployed into the web-app's WEB-INF/lib directory.  I initialize
>log4j through a startup servlet defined for the web-app doing a
>confugureAndWatch().  The config file is set to append all messages to a
>On first startup, this works.  All of my log messages go to the defined
>However, upon first dynamic class file replacement starnge things begin to
>happen.  Some of these messages are still sent to the file (from roughly 3
>classes).  Some are now redirected to the console somehow (from a
>package) and the rest are just lost (or at least dont show up in the file
>Anyone encountered something similiar?  It is so bizarre that I am at a
>as to where to even start looking.

Ceki  For log4j documentation consider "The complete log4j manual"
       ISBN: 2970036908 

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