Hi Ceki,

Re: BeanWrapper
I find the BeanWrapper the most useful, because it does not require the developer to 
add anything to the bean. That decreases the overhead of writing the logging code. In 
exchange, it increases the overhead of running it.. Having very low overhead for 
adding logging code is very useful for me because I find myself working on other 
people's code a lot these days, and having to debug obscure problems with that code, I 
have been using log4j extensively to be able to follow what's going on. When adding 
log statements to large amounts of other people's code, the quicker it happens the 
best it is, in my experience..

Also when writing new code, you are more likely to add a log statement if it is a 
minor "typing overhead" (not to mention maintenance overhead) than not. I think the 
best solution might be to offer both possibilities, with the advice that if you are 
using the BeanWrapper, you should surround your log statement with an if 
(log.isDebugEnabled()) just like for string concatenation. On the other hand, if your 
bean implements LoggableBean you don't need to. I think that would give the best of 
both worlds, so when you're writing new code and you've got enough time you tag your 
beans as LoggableBeans, and when you're hastily adding log statements to someone 
else's code you can do so at the expense of an if() check with just a BeanWrapper. 

For the rendering of it, I think the idea when outputting a bean's fields to the log 
would be to show as much data as is available (within reason). Showing all available 
public bean properties, and maybe truncating the ones which are too long, would be the 
way I would expect such a renderer to work. Maybe this could be configurable from the 
log4j config file (log4j.renderer.bean.truncateLength?)

Re: Generic ObjectRenderers
Yes, I think so. It encourages more logging, which I think is a good thing, and 
removes "logging display logic" code. In an ideal world, log4j would become so closely 
integrated with java that much code (such as log.debug("entering");) would be 
automatically generated by the compiler or the VM! However until hell freezes over, 
the closest we can get is to make it really easy for people to write log statements 
and decrease maintenance time.

If I have time I'll probably write a few generic object renderers when I'm home. The 
resultset one, for instance... most useful.


PS: Btw, I've been meaning to say, thank you for writing log4j. I don't think I'd 
stand a ghost of a chance of finishing this project on time if it wasn't for log4j and 
the ease and flexibility with which I've been able to insert it all over the place to 
figure out what this code was doing (and be able to turn the debugging on and off at 
will). So thanks a lot for making this available :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ceki Gülcü [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 20 October 2003 15:11
To: Log4J Users List
Subject: Re: Useful Object Renderers

Hi Daniel,

Comments below.

At 11:55 AM 10/20/2003 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'm wondering whether there are any useful object renderers that I haven't 
>heard about, hopefully downloadable and easily integratable. Things I'd be 
>looking to output without having to have long debugging logic in my code 
>would be beans, JDBC ResultSet rows, and so on. Looking around the log4j 
>codebase all I can see is one jms and one sax renderers, both rather basic.
>It seems to me that this would be a very useful feature, improving the 
>quality of usage practice with log4j. Just like layout patterns which 
>allow you to log the locational information and avoid keeping such 
>information in the log messages themselves (and thus having to maintain 
>log messages such as log.debug("entering xyz.foo()") - much better as 
>log.debug("entering")), standard object renderers reduce the complexity of 
>the logging code. For instance, when wanting to output the contents of a 
>bean, it would be nice to be able to just type:
>Given the way object renderers work, that is of course not possible since 
>beans are not subclasses of a particular class. One way to get around that 
>would be for the logger to recognize an org.apache.log4j.BeanWrapper class 
>so that this could be called like:
>log.debug(new BeanWrapper(myBean));

Creating a BeanWrapper for each bean to be logged is certainly one way to 
mark a bean for object rendering. There are other ways which can complement 
new BeanWrapper creation. For example, one could program certain beans as 
implementing a certain interface, say "ObjectRenderedBean". The new 
BeanWrapper approach requires no support from the bean writer but creates 
an extra object for each log. The ObjectRenderedBean is the opposite: 
requires support from the programmer but no object creation.

Assuming log4j will try to render the bean contained within the new 
BeanWrapper object, how should BeanWrapperObjectRenderer look like? I mean 
the code of BeanWrapperObjectRenderer? Should all the getter fields of the 
bean be retrieved and rendered?

>In any case, I think the inclusion of more useful standard Object 
>Renderers into the log4j codebase would be a very good thing for log4j, 
>and I'm wondering why this hasn't been done yet. Are there any reasons 
>that I'm not aware of?

Including standard object renderers is an excellent idea. If those 
renderers were also generic, that would be really powerful.


Ceki Gülcü

      For log4j documentation consider "The complete log4j manual"
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