At 06:06 PM 12/10/2003 +0000, tom ONeill wrote:
No, absolutely not.

X.Z and Y.Z should bear no relation to each other except their common ancestor the 'root' logger.

Does that answer your question?

Thanks for your help Ceki....

So you are saying that my "Y.Z" logger should not be created as "X.Y.Z" just because I already have a logger "X.Z"?. Therefore what I am seeing is some kind of error and not the expected behaviour? If I know it is an error I can now go and try find what is causing the problem.

I confirm. It is an error.

My configuration is pretty straightforward so I doubt thats the issue. However I am using my own logger implementation (it extends Logger) so maybe somthing in there is causing the problem. Perhaps I have overridden one of Loggers methods incorrectly......

Hmm, maybe the problem is in your wrapper. Just a cynical thought...

-- Ceki Gülcü

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