How about allowing both? Ignoring just the selected node in the tree (as is the case currently) **or** ignoring the selected node and its children.

The solution of expressions suggested by Scott offers a far more
precise control but probably is harder to put in place for the user.

Just my 2 shallow cents.

At 10:39 PM 12/10/2003 -0800, Scott Deboy wrote:
I personally would like to see the logger tree stay simple. Focusing on a node implies you can see everything under it - makes sense to me.

NOTE: the information following applies only to the CVS tip version of Chainsaw v2:

If you want to exclude certain packages, why not build an expression in the 'focus on' text box? enter something like this:

! ( ( LOGGER LIKE com.someothercompany.corecomponent.* ) || ( LOGGER ~= org.blah ) )

the LIKE operator evaluates regular expressions, the ~= operator performs a partial text (case insensitive) match.

the ! and || operators are hopefully obvious. You can see all of the supported operators here:

If any of the operators need to evaluate fields that use multiple words, wrap the operand in single quotes (like the text of an event). For example:

! ( MSG ~= 'ignore msgs that contain this phrase' )

Notice how all operands and operators must be separated by spaces (even spaces around parens).

Hope this helps, your problem is exactly why we built the expression language.

Take care,

-- Ceki Gülcü

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