> From: Alan Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I was wondering whether anyone else has had this problem and how they
> fixed it.  My current plan is to subclass RollingFileAppender and have
> it delete the last touched file when the total log-space-used 
> gets above
> a certain size.  After a while, this will entail the overhead 
> of finding
> which is the oldest log-file (in order to delete it) every time a new
> file is created.  

I wouldn't subclass RollingFileAppender just for that. A simple shell/perl
script would do the same job. However what would make sense is that once
a log file is rolled, compress the rolled file. So if you really what to
modify RollingFileAppender then come up with a patch that adds an option
like compressOldLogs and use GZIPOutputStream/or whaterver you prefer.
Since both plain text and XML and pretty well compressable you'll save
quite a lot of disk space. On the other hand disk space is cheap, so the
easiest is to buy more disk space :)

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