matt.accola wrote:
What can I do to get some help on this issue?  Please let me know if I can
provide more information?  I have opened a ticket with IBM but I think the
Log4j community will probably be more helpful.

Have you tried to do profiling of the application or the test-case while it actually is logging, to see where the time is spent?

One thing I (think I) have seen personally, is that the ConsoleAppender (which goes std.out or std.error) is slow - it seems like these "built-in" streams simply aren't as fast as normal files.

But 1/10 second sounds really slow at any rate, and must be something really weird. The appenders aren't going to some file residing on some very remote filesystem over a 64 kpbs line?

You could maybe send your logconfig and more "specs" of the system, which might give a pointer to the problem.. E.g. what happens if you just configure the root-level to OFF - it should be fast, right? You could install a filter on the appender, so that the log.whatever invocation actually goes through, but then is ditched at the appender side - maybe it is the construction of your log-line?

And btw, 1.2.13 is the cool thing to run these days!


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