Hi Chris,

- You don't have to use a cyclic buffer (this is configurable per-tab),
but Chainsaw launched via Web Start may not have enough memory to load
your log file.  

If you download the 'bundle', you can modify the startup script to
allocate more memory to the VM, which may allow you to load a larger
file (-Xmx argument, etc)

- Expression support for the TIMESTAMP field is a little awkward - you
can't use the ~= operator, but you can use relational operators.

You must use a specific timestamp format in expressions: yyyy/MM/dd
HH:mm:ss - milliseconds are ignored.  

This expression will allow you to display events that occurred at

TIMESTAMP > '2006/08/21 07:13:37' && TIMESTAMP < '2006/08/21 07:13:39'

Notice how I've put the timestamp values in quotes - because there are

- Chainsaw does support search - via the text field in the toolbar.  You
can use the same expression syntax to search that you can to colorize
entries or filter entries.

To use search, enter text in the text field and press F3 or click the
down arrow next to the text field.  Matching lines will be highlighted
in black.  Move through matches by pressing F3 again or the down arrow,
or Shift-F3 and the up arrow in order to reverse-search.

To clear the highlight from a search, clear the text box and press F3.

Scott Deboy
Principal Engineer
111 SW Columbia Street Ste. 950
Portland, OR  97201
Telephone: 503.224.7496
Cell: 503.997.1367
Fax: 503.222.0185

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of chris
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 7:14 AM
To: log4j-user@logging.apache.org
Subject: Filtering long log files and searching

I am trying to use chainsaw to view entries in a log file. I have it
and working fine. The log file I have is large, so chainsaw is unable to
hold all the messages I want to see in its 5000 entry cyclic window. So
would like to know how to set things up so I can view not just the last
entries, but any set. Ideally I would like at 4pm to be able to see the
messages after 9am.

I thought that the filterExpression looked the ideal candidate for this.
have tried setting TIMESTAMP ~= '06', and this shows all entries.
However if
I try any other literal (e.g. '2006' or  '08/06'), no rows are returned.

So the questions I have are

1) Is this the best (or at least a viable) way to achieve the desire3d
2) What format should I specifiy the literal for the timestamp field?
actual format in the log file, or the format defined via the

Also could you add a search feature? e.g. you are showing 5000 entries,
you know you want the one that has a message saying "calling server". I
you can filter the entires to only show matching entries ( e.g. MSG ~=
'calling server'), but what about adding a simple search from current
position (or backwards for that matter) for a given string in a given
(or all columns). That would be really useful.

Thanks for providing a great tool. It really helps. With the ability to
search archives for messages at specific times, would IMHO be a really
useful addition.


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