A few quesions/comments...

1.  What version of Log4j are you using?  I think at some point, there was a
feature implemented which allowed Log4j to create any needed directories.  This
hadn't been the case previously.  I think it got implemented maybe post 1.2.9,
but I'm not positive.  So, it might make sense that the directories got

2.  Clearly Weblogic's service is setting the startup directory if you find your
directories being created under "mydomain".

3.  Are you sure that log4j.properties is getting picked up?  Is it possible
some other config file is getting picked up?  If log4j finds log4j.xml, it will
be used in preference to log4j.properties.  Also, try setting log4j.debug=true. 
Maybe you'll see some extra output.  Add a console appender to make sure you see
this output.  It should turn up in Weblogic's console log file.


Quoting Mirza Abbas Raza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> So, Jake, here is what I did but didn't succeed.
> Excerpt from log4j.properties file.
> # Specify the R log file
> log4j.appender.R=org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender
> log4j.appender.R.File=logs/node/mylog.log
> log4j.appender.DAILY.DatePattern='.'yyyy-MM-dd
> Scenario 1: Run as is.
> - checked C:\winnt\system32.
> - obviously no logs found.
> Scenario 2: Created directories logs/node in C:\winnt\system32.
> - stopped service and restarted.
> - no logs found in C:\winnt\system32\logs\node directory.
> Scenario 3: Changed log4j.appender.R.File=logs/node/mylog.log to
> D:\mydirectory\domains\mydomain/logs/node/mylog.log
> - stopped and restarted service.
> - no logs found  in D:\mydirectory\domains\mydomain/logs/node/mylog.log.
> I couldn't find a way to specify the startup directory with the weblogic
> utility or the Java Service Wrapper and hence couldn't test it. However, I
> saw an interesting point in the properties for the service.
> "D:\mydirectory\domains\mydomain\wrapper.exe -s
> D:\mydirectory\domains\mydomain\conf\managedwrapper.conf". The logs/node
> directory is located in mydomain directory. Wouldn't this point the logs to
> the right directory?
> Thanks,
> Abbas
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Jacob Kjome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Log4J Users List <log4j-user@logging.apache.org>; Mirza Abbas Raza
> Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 11:57:20 AM
> Subject: Re: log4j doesn't log files when weblogic is run as a windows
> service.
> I'll bet they *do* get created.  You just don't know where to look.  What
> does
> your config look like?  Does it use relative paths to the files?  Keep in
> mind,
> relative paths are relative to the directory from which the JVM started.  So,
> if
> you start on the command line, the path in the config file is relative to the
> current directory in the command shell.
> OTOH, When you start up using a service, unless you define the startup
> directory, it will default to "C:\WINDOWS\system32" (or the equivalent on
> your
> windows box).  Furthermore, if your path includes a directory name, such as
> "./logs/mylog.log", and said directory doesn't exist already under
> "C:\WINDOWS\system32", then Log4j won't bother creating it for you.  You have
> to make sure it exists before Log4j can write to the location.
> Look into that and let us know what you find.
> Jake
> Quoting Mirza Abbas Raza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > All,
> >
> > The log4j framework doesn't seem to write to the logs when weblogic is run
> as
> > windows service. As I understand, the two things needed for the log4j
> > framework are:
> > - log4j.jar in classpath
> > - log4j.properties as -Dlog4j.configuration. It contains the necessary
> > configuration for logging.
> >
> > Both of the above mentioned artifacts are found correctly configured in the
> > utilities that were used to create the windows service. I have used both
> bea
> > provided utility and Java Service Wrapper from Tanuki Software. When
> weblogic
> > is started after the service installation, log files that were supposed to
> be
> > created by log4j don't appear. The ironic part is that when weblogic is
> > started manually, the log files do appear. Is there a known workaround for
> > this scenario? I appreciate any help.
> >
> > Environment info:
> > OS - Windows 2000 server
> > JDK - 1.4.2
> > Weblogic - 8.1
> > log4j - 1.2.7
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Abbas
> >
> >

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