The Apache Logging Services project ( is happy to announce the availability of log4j version 1.2.14. In this release, AsyncAppender was rewritten to eliminate reported deadlocks and to provide an option to not block if the event queue becomes full, SyslogAppender can now accept a port specification, and SMTPAppender supports cc and bcc addresses and password authentication. In addition, the following bugs were fixed:

40159: NullPointerException in org.apache.log4j.NDC.get.
36787: org.apache.log4j.lf5.util.DateFormatManager.setTimeZone assignment error. 38559: Monthly logs not generated at midnight with DailyRollingFileAppender.
40145: PatternLayout specifier %r is not consistent with documentation.
37119: Space after log level causes default level to be used.
39135: Bad patterns in ISO8601DateFormat and DateTimeDateFormat.
35743: SyslogAppender throws NullPointerException upon misconfiguration.
15501: FallbackErrorHandler throws NullPointerException if no loggers are set.
38564: Bad documentation for WriterAppender.encoding.
37866: NTEventLogAppender not build, tested and placed in distribution.
38662: SMTPAppender does not output newlines between stack trace lines.
30294: SMTPAppender will not run within sandbox.
16922: MDC with SMTPAppender doesn't work.
31507: Misspelling in HierarchyDynamicMBean.
35123: Additivity not exported by PropertyPrinter.
31003: RollingFileAppender, if removed, can cause NullPointerExceptions.
23021: AsyncAppender blocks on thread death.
40412: NOTICE file added to distribution and jar.
40378: Chainsaw of log4j 1.2 does not show TRACE level.
40501: TRACE level missing in short introduction to log4j.
37960: Update site generation to velocity 1.4 and remove dependency on logging/site project.

It takes some time for the release to be distributed to all the mirror servers. At the moment it is known to be available on the and mirrors as well as the and distribution servers.

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