On Nov 21, 2006, at 4:21 PM, ying lcs wrote:


Can you please tell me how can I configure file appender so that it
writes to 1 log file per data and have the old one stays?

Thank you.

I guessing that you meant "1 log file per DAY". If that is your request, you could use a DailyRollingFileAppender which would write all log messages to a file which would be renamed after the day changes. The configuration would looks something like:

log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, drfa

Messages would be logged to mylog.log and after the day changes the file would be close, renamed mylog.log.2006-11-21 and subsequent logging would be captured in a new mylog.log file.

There has been some development of a MultiFileAppender that could actually write the file in place and would not require renaming the file, but that isn't working yet.

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