On 12/6/06, Jacob Kjome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


You are correct in your latest analysis, but incorrect on your original
analysis.  Chuanjiang's original XML file was just fine and the fact that
increased the level to "error" should have made it so that only ERROR
would print to the A1 appender for that specific logger, while all other
loggers would print to the "debug" level.

There are a couple possibilities why this might not be working.

1.  As you mentioned, the logger name might not exactly match that being
referenced in the log4j.xml file

2.  Another config file is being used instead of this one.

Note that the approach I would generally take to configuration is to set
root logger to some higher level such as "warn" and then selectively set
loggers to debug where I truly want to see debug output.


Appreciate all help,

Indeed the logger name is does not match the one being referenced in the
log4j.xml file.

instead of
Logger mylogger = Logger.getLogger("Main" );

should be
Logger mylogger = Logger.getLogger("loggingexample.Main" );

Should have check throughly.
Thanks guys

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