Thanks, I've solved the problem. It seems that both the SocketAppender and the XmlAppender needs to turn on the LocationInfo in their config files to send and catch the LocationInfo...


Scott Deboy wrote:
Add a consoleappender to the socketserver config which prints line, method, 
etc. via patternlayout patterns.  If you see it there, you should be able to 
get it into the xml files.

Scott Deboy
111 SW Columbia Street Ste. 950
Portland, OR  97201

Telephone:      503.224.7496
Cell:           503.997.1367
Fax:            503.222.0185


-----Original Message-----
From: Takács Bence [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 12/13/2006 10:41 AM
To: Log4J Users List
Subject: creating log files which are readable for Chainsaw

I use a SocketServer to collect the logs to a server, then I store them into files. I use XmlLayout for formatting.

If I watch the files with Chainsaw, the Class, Method, Line, MDC fields are empty, even though the are in present on the clients console. I haven't find theese values in the XML file either. I don't think that the SocketAppender would be responsible for the vanishing, so I think that the XMLLayout mess up the datas somehow.

My question is: how can I config the SocketServer to make a file which consists theese values and is readable with Chainsaw? In general: How (with which pattern configuration) can I make files which consists theese values and is readable with Chainsaw?


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