Question: How can users specify the tag portion of a syslog message
using the SyslogAppender from log4j-1.2.15?

According to section 4.1.3 of the BSD syslog protocol
<> , it specifies that the message
payload of a syslog message is composed of a 32 alphanumeric tag and the
actual message.  However, I see no way to currently do so short of
configuring via an XML file that specifies a PatternLayout with a
ConversionPattern hard coding the tag.  My major grievance with this is
because it requires the user to figure how to format log statements to
work with syslog.


If I had my say, there would be a simple tag property on the
SyslogAppender along with its associated getter and setter methods.
Whenever the user sets this via configuration, it would complain if the
tag contains non-alphanumeric characters or exceeds the 32 character
limit.  Then whenever a message is logged, it would automatically prefix
the message with the tag along with the necessary divider (left square
bracket or colon).




Andrew R Feller, Analyst

University Information Systems

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(225) 578-3737 (Office)

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