
For a webapp, it would be nice to be able to conditionally log stack trace along
with exception.


(1) Production application ships with Level set to Level.ERROR.
(2) An app admin notices some errors in the log [Logger.error(Object)].
(3) A means is available [Logger.setLevel()] to dynamically set Level to 
for a particular class.
(4) When the error occurs again, the stack trace is logged along with the error 
[Logger.error(Object, Throwable)].

A solution would be to have a wrapper class with a static method like:

    public static void logVerboseOnLevel(Logger logger, Level thresholdLevel, 
e, Level logAtLevel) {
        if (logger.isEnabledFor(thresholdLevel)) {
            logger.log(logAtLevel, e, e);
        } else {
            logger.log(logAtLevel, e);

and called like:

Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass);
Wrapper.logVerboseOnLevel(logger, Level.DEBUG, new Exception(), Level.ERROR);

If logger level is ERROR, just the one liner is logged.  If logger level is 
the stack trace is logged.

The benefit is to minimize the amount of information in the log file, unless the
cause of the exception is being sought.  Since it is possible to set log level 
class, the signal to noise ratio is much more conducive to finding the problem.

In log4j.properties, the appender is defined like:

log4j.appender.MY_APPENDER.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] %-5p %c:%l %C:%-4L
- %m%n

The portion "%C:%-4L" means I want the class and line number where the
problem occurred.  This conflicts with the wrapper, as its class and line number
are the ones used to invoke log4j.  Also, it would be nice to only use the 
class in specialized situations.  So any solution would need to handle both the 
straightforward Logger use case, as well as the wrapper.

There is an old post on this forum describing a similar problem, but I couldn't
really figure out how to utilize the responses.


Originally I had the chunk of code above copied in each specialized place where 
I needed it, then I refactored the copies into a utility class, and ran into the
logging output issue.

Any suggestions for a solution to this usage case?  


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