Due to some other constraints, I appear to be forced to have my log4j.jar at both the EAR and WAR classpath level.  In my WebLogic config, I'm doing everything I can to make it "prefer" the jars in the webapp.

If you are using Weblogic 9.2+, then you may be able to use a FilteringClassLoader [1], so that application library contents of the EAR file are loaded in preference to those from the server classpath.  In "META-INF/weblogic-application.xml" you'd add the following....


You'd simply make sure to place log4j.jar in the EAR's APP-INF/lib or add it as a manifest Class-Path entry in the EAR's manifest.mf.  Note that I haven't verified whether this actually achieves per/app logging configuration.  Maybe you can try it out and report results?

[1] http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E13222_01/wls/docs92/programming/classloading.html#wp1097187


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