Hi Jake,
Yes, sorry, I probably hoped to find somehow a solution by configuration.
Your way seems to be the only one, so I'll go for it, even though I probably 
need to ask for the particular class the appender belongs to.



-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Jacob Kjome [mailto:h...@visi.com] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. November 2012 19:51
An: Log4J Users List
Betreff: Re: Communcating An Own Properties-Object To log4j As Substtution For 

I have to say, I'm very confused as to exactly what you are asking.

I told you how you can configure using custom properties without resorting to 
system properties.  You said I was missing the point even though, after 
re-reading, I believe the answer I provided directly addressed your question.

I then told you how you can directly reconfigure an appender, along with one 
example of how you can get a handle on an appender (there are others - read the 
API docs).  You responded saying that this example, somehow, reflected a of 
lack of flexibility in Log4j.

I'm at a loss.  Please restate what it is that you are aiming at here, because 
I cannot figure it out.


On Fri, 16 Nov 2012 19:23:34 +0100
 <malte.kem...@de.equens.com> wrote:
> Hi Jake,
> I see. But if the log4j-config is reloaded each time that application is 
>called, the appender gets loaded with the current values of the Properties 
>(actually System.properties). I ried that already.
> If I get the way of your sugesstion right, the application itselve would be 
>supposed to code the configuration for a certan appender type. That is 
>probably doable, but seems to me a bit contradictional to the ability to 
>configure appenders of what kind ever. I mean why should an application know 
>about what appender type and name is used in log4 configuration? I am afraid 
>the logger then is loosing a lot of configuration flexibility, does'nt it?
> Malte
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Jacob Kjome [mailto:h...@visi.com] 
> Gesendet: Freitag, 16. November 2012 18:54
> An: Log4J Users List
> Betreff: Re: Communcating An Own Properties-Object To log4j As Substtution 
>For System-Properties
> Yes, but that file-based configuration is only read once, and the appender 
>only sees the fully resolved value and does not maintain the 
>${"propertyname"} for dynamic runtime substitution.  Even the solution I 
>proposed only applies the one time.  It just allows you to define local 
>properties rather than depending on System properties set JVM-wide.
> You have to obtain an reference to the appender object and re-set its 
>properties.  This is most certainly doable.  Just look up a logger that the 
>appender is assigned to and use getAppender("appenderName").  Then you can 
>modify the appender to your heart's content.
> Jake
> On Fri, 16 Nov 2012 18:26:10 +0100
>  <malte.kem...@de.equens.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jake,
>> Thanks for the hint. But I am afraid that is not quite that what I ment.
>> Looking at the example below there is the following line:
>> <param name="string4Construction" value="${input.file.path}"></param>
>> Here the parameter string4Construction gets a value from the 
>>SystemProperty "input.file.path".
>> So actually if the SystemProperty's value is "MyInputFile.txt" then 
>>the parameter string4Construction got  exactly its value 
>> The syntax ${"propertyname"} is already built in somewhere of log4j, I 
>>think, which means that it will be looked at runtime on the 
>>System-Properties for getting the value of the property named here.
>> If I knew where in the code of log4j that resolving takes place, I 
>>could may be understand how to manage it, to give dynamigly own 
>>Properties-ojects while run-time.
>> Since there was no special code needed for inventing own parameters, 
>>but producing setter-methods in the customized appender, I believe 
>>log4j binds the parameters by reflection.
>> Malte
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: Jacob Kjome [mailto:h...@visi.com]
>> Gesendet: Freitag, 16. November 2012 18:04
>> An: Log4J Users List
>> Betreff: Re: Communcating An Own Properties-Object To log4j As 
>>Substtution For System-Properties
>> Well, you can manually bind properties at configuration time by 
>>loading the config as a properties object, adding more properties, and 
>>then calling
>> configure(Properties) [1].  It's not clear to me how this might be 
>>done with XML configuration, thought I vaguely recall it being talked 
>>about in the past?
>> [1]
>> http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/apidocs/org/apache/log4j/PropertyC
>> onfigurator.html#configure%28java.util.Properties%29
>> Jake
>> On Fri, 16 Nov 2012 15:12:18 +0100
>>  <malte.kem...@de.equens.com> wrote:
>>> Hi to all (again),
>>> I just thought on theoretical level. My problem, using log4j in a 
>>>mulithraded environment using  Apender that create file names using 
>>>property input could only work, if it is possible to give the appender 
>>>(log4)  An own properties-object, rahter than using the 
>>> Is there a method, with that you are able to tell an apender to get 
>>>an very own Properties-Object with out the need to change the 
>>>configuration possibility using ${propertiesname} to address the partcular 
>>> right now my appender configuration looks liek that:
>>> <appender name="xsd-check" 
>>>        <param name="string4Construction" 
>>>        <param name="inputRegex" value="(.*)"></param>
>>>        <param name="file" value="logs/[user.name]/XSDCHECK.(0).log" 
>>>        <param name="Append" value="false" />
>>>        <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
>>>                <param name="ConversionPattern" 
>>>                      value="%d{ISO8601} %-5p %m%n" />
>>>        </layout>
>>> </appender>
>>> I would like to tell the an appender, by using a log4j-method within 
>>>a certian application init-time.
>>> Is there something like that or is something like that planned in a 
>>>later version of log4j?
>>> (Is there any chance something like that would work at all?)
>>> thanks in advancs for any hints
>>> Malte
>>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>> Von: malte.kem...@de.equens.com [mailto:malte.kem...@de.equens.com
>>><mailto:malte.kem...@de.equens.com> ]
>>> Gesendet: Freitag, 16. November 2012 13:37
>>> An: log4j-user@logging.apache.org
>>> Betreff: AW: Funny Bbehaviour Wth A Customzed Appender
>>> Hi Gary,
>>> finally I found the trouble. It got nothing to do with log4j itself. 
>>>It is the stuff around my application, since I comuniate the input 
>>>file names within Systemproperties, that are filled by one but not by 
>>>the other application. The logger produces empty files for each, even 
>>>though the other application not even running.  I guess the cause of 
>>>this is that I am using just one logging config for all my 
>>>applcations. I probably could fix this behaviour by using for each 
>>>application an own logger config.
>>> Inkow, using system properties is not the best choice, because they 
>>>are global. That makes thread safety impossible. For a long term I 
>>>should overthink the comunication of properties to my NamedFileAppender.
>>> Is there another way to build up a file name for the logging using 
>>>things like input file names may be with appenders that are shiiped with 
>>> Malte
>>> ________________________________
>>> Von: Gary Gregory [mailto:garydgreg...@gmail.com 
>>><mailto:garydgreg...@gmail.com> ]
>>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. November 2012 18:03
>>> An: Log4J Users List
>>> Betreff: Re: Funny Bbehaviour Wth A Customzed Appender
>>> Hi Malte,
>>> You should probably file a Bugzilla issue but I am not sure how much 
>>> help you'll get here because you are using custom code. There you can 
>>> attach all the files you want.
>>> Can this be reproduced in any way with a stock appender of any type 
>>> like a rolling file appender?
>>> The best way to get anyone to help is to create a standalone program 
>>> that illustrates the problem. Ideally, it should be a unit test that 
>>> fails.
>>> Another question that will come up is, does using the current 
>>> version, 1.2.17, work better? Differently?
>>> Gary
>>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 11:14 AM, <malte.kem...@de.equens.com> wrote:
>>>        Hi to all,
>>>        I have programmed an appender dirived from FileAppender, that 
>>>is  able to produce log-files with file names that you can controll in 
>>>a  more flexible way.
>>>        You can use an other String, for example the input file,  or  
>>>parts of it to produce your desired log file name, seq-numbers and 
>>>time  stamps etc.
>>>        My applcation, that got the log-config (actually the xml  
>>>configuration type) is a mroe infratstuctional Programm, that calls  
>>>other applications like converters.
>>>        I have put all in one single log-configuration-file using the  
>>>cusomized appender on several file processing applcations.
>>>        The confguration  is like this, that each processed file is  
>>>suppose to produce one log file per application that is processing it.
>>>        For one application it works pretty good. Ror another it  
>>>produces each expected log file but produces the logs for all turns 
>>>only  in one file. The others stay empty.
>>>        I am not sure what I am doing wrong and what is going on here. 
>>>I  cannot understand why in one case it works (s.FEDCONV...log) , in 
>>>the  other it does not at all (s. XSDCHECK...log).
>>>        here the contend of the only filled XSDCHECK...log
>>> (XSDCHECK.x.C0100.MCP.SAG.SWIFT-MAX.AC.20121106.120001.000.TXT.log)
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,594 INFO
>>> *****************************************
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,594 INFO  * XSD-Checker  V 1.0
>>> *
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,594 INFO
>>> *****************************************
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,610 INFO  using 'C:\tmp\Neuer  
>>>Ordner\FED-Local\filedemon-fed-test\xsds\pacs.008.001.01.xsd' as  
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,610 INFO  using  
>>> l' as Input-File
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,672 INFO
>>> l" is valid.
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,688 INFO
>>> *****************************************
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,688 INFO  * XSD-Checker  V 1.0
>>> *
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,688 INFO
>>> *****************************************
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,688 INFO  using 'C:\tmp\Neuer  
>>>Ordner\FED-Local\filedemon-fed-test\xsds\pacs.008.001.01.xsd' as  
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,688 INFO  using  
>>> l' as Input-File
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,719 INFO
>>> l" is valid.
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,719 INFO
>>> *****************************************
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,719 INFO  * XSD-Checker  V 1.0
>>> *
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,735 INFO
>>> *****************************************
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,735 INFO  using 'C:\tmp\Neuer  
>>>Ordner\FED-Local\filedemon-fed-test\xsds\pacs.008.001.01.xsd' as  
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,735 INFO  using  
>>> l' as Input-File
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,750 INFO
>>> l" is valid.
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,750 INFO
>>> *****************************************
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,766 INFO  * XSD-Checker  V 1.0
>>> *
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,766 INFO
>>> *****************************************
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,766 INFO  using 'C:\tmp\Neuer  
>>>Ordner\FED-Local\filedemon-fed-test\xsds\pacs.008.001.01.xsd' as  
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,766 INFO  using  
>>> l' as Input-File
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,781 INFO
>>> l" is valid.
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,781 INFO
>>> *****************************************
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,781 INFO  * XSD-Checker  V 1.0
>>> *
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,797 INFO
>>> *****************************************
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,797 INFO  using 'C:\tmp\Neuer  
>>>Ordner\FED-Local\filedemon-fed-test\xsds\pacs.008.001.01.xsd' as  
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,797 INFO  using  
>>> l' as Input-File
>>>        2012-11-15 09:33:52,813 INFO
>>> l" is valid.
>>>        here the content was filled obviously in the log-file of the  
>>>last File beeing processed, instead of puting them to each log, that 
>>>has  already been produced.
>>>        Please find attached the source code of the appender and  
>>>dependings  (*.java) , the configuration(log4j.xml), and an example of  
>>>the logging of log4j itself (log4j-log-log).
>>>        I am using log4j version log4j-1.2.15.jar
>>>        Best regards and thanks for any hints in advance
>>>        Malte
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