Dear Group,

I have a problem with the JDK Loggin Adapter and JDK 8.0.45.

In a tiny testprogram I open an HttpURLConnection and download a file.
In order to do some testing, I managed to configure the Adapter as
described here:
and had a result as expecte.

Specifically I pass the
-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager word to
the run command of the jar.

The problem is, that this only worked with some older 7 JDK (7.0.40) I
When I then moved to a more recent JDK, the JRE Logging does not get
through to my logfile.
In the latter case only the logging from my own code appears in the file.
Not the logging of HttpURLConnection.

Is there some special precondition for using the JDK Logging Adapter with a
JDK 8.x?


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