As Matt said, the Log4j uses the Java scripting engine and so supports any 
scripting language that implements (or has a wrapper that implements) JSR 223.  
You can find a list in this stack overflow link -

<> states, 
if you set status=“DEBUG” in your configuration it will print the list of 
scripting engines you have installed and will print the valid names each of 
them supports.


> On Aug 16, 2016, at 9:37 AM, Matt Sicker <> wrote:
> You could take advantage of all the placeholder variable substitution
> features for environment-specific config values.
> The language is whatever is supported by javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory.
> JavaScript comes out of the box, and Groovy is another common one, so it's
> mentioned as an alternative.
> And that last thing is probably a typo.
> On 16 August 2016 at 11:12, Greg Thomas <> wrote:
>> I had seen that, yes; I'm not sure it will help.
>> What I really want to do is trigger (programmatically) a purge of old files
>> (because I've added a DefaultRolloverStrategy with the max files set),
>> AFAICT the <delete> action will let me programmatically control which files
>> are deleted (e.g. files older than some value set at runtime), but only
>> during the rollover - so it may be some time before that happens (if at
>> all, if the process is restarted frequently enough that the max size is
>> never reached).
>> The background to this is that we have a WAR file that is deployed to a
>> number of different sites. The number of files we want to keep on each site
>> can differ so rather than edit the XML file on each site each time we
>> deploy a new version, there's a site specific configuration (with a
>> pre-configured default) that is programatically applied. Perhaps there's a
>> better way to do that.
>> Greg
>> PS. I can't see any documentation on supported values for the "language"
>> attribute; is it just JavaScript and Groovy as per the docs, or are there
>> others?
>> PPS. Why is JavaScript capitalised, but not groovy?
>> On 16 August 2016 at 16:45, Ralph Goers <>
>> wrote:
>>> Have you looked at
>>> html#Log_Archive_Retention_Policy:_Delete_on_Rollover <
>>> html#Log_Archive_Retention_Policy:_Delete_on_Rollover>?
>>> Ralph
>>>> On Aug 16, 2016, at 6:53 AM, Greg Thomas <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Is it possible to programatically trigger a purge?
>>>> I've got an XML configured appender along the lines of ...
>>>> <Appenders>
>>>>   <RollingFile name="rfappender" fileName="../logs/output.log"
>>>> filePattern="../logs/">
>>>>       <PatternLayout>
>>>>           <pattern>%d %-5p [%c{1}] %X - %m%n</pattern>
>>>>       </PatternLayout>
>>>>       <Policies>
>>>>           <OnStartupTriggeringPolicy />
>>>>           <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="100 MB"/>
>>>>       </Policies>
>>>>   </RollingFile>
>>>> </Appenders>
>>>> i.e. create new log file on startup, and when the current one reaches
>>>> 100MB. There is no "max" number of files to keep
>>>> I've also got, in code, something that adds a DefaultRolloverStrategy
>>> with
>>>> the maximum number of files to keep. However, because we already
>> created
>>> a
>>>> new file ( on startup, we've probably already
>>> exceeded
>>>> that number, so I'd like to purge it immediately.
>>>> I can't see a way to do that - any ideas?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Greg
> -- 
> Matt Sicker <>

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