These are separate JVMs, so having a single executor would be of no help.

I believe the only way to do what you are asking for is to add configuration so 
that the asynchronous thread has a semi-random delay when it starts.


> On Mar 22, 2017, at 7:58 AM, Greg Thomas <> wrote:
>> One common issue we have with that framework (and I assume we can have the
>> same with log4j2) is that all of our JVMs (we can have more than 50 JVMs on
>> the same server in production) roll their file at midnight.
>> When this happens, the system became often not usable for a few seconds
>> because of the simultaneous zipping of all the rolled files that overload
>> the CPU (although zipping is done in a specific background thread).
> ISTR that with the most recent versions of log4j, these threads are in a
> thread pool so that they are properly shutdown at the right time. I wonder
> if it's possible (or could be possible) to somehow inject a thread pool in
> to log4j for this rollover, so that for you use case you could inject a
> single thread executor, so only one thread is ever compressing at a time.
> Just a thought, anyway,
> Greg
> On 22 March 2017 at 13:47, Anthony Maire <> wrote:
>> Hi
>> We are currently using another logging framework in production, but I'm
>> pushing to change it for log4j2.
>> One common issue we have with that framework (and I assume we can have the
>> same with log4j2) is that all of our JVMs (we can have more than 50 JVMs on
>> the same server in production) roll their file at midnight.
>> When this happens, the system became often not usable for a few seconds
>> because of the simultaneous zipping of all the rolled files that overload
>> the CPU (although zipping is done in a specific background thread). To
>> reduce this effect, we are combining a time based rolling policy with a
>> sized based policy to zip smaller files, but this is not enough to make the
>> system fully responsive at midnight.
>> A pretty cool feature for us to avoid this issue is to have the possibility
>> when a rolling is triggered because of a time based policy to change file
>> immediately, but to wait for a random amount of time (within a configurable
>> limit) before starting the compression. This random delay should help a lot
>> to avoid contention on CPU cycles.
>> Does log4j2 have something to solve this kind of issue ? If not, would you
>> accept a pull request for this (I will open a Jira if needed) ?
>> Regards,
>> Anthony

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