On 2014-02-04, Miljenko Cvjetko wrote:

> Hi
>>> 1. "to split log4net-13.dll so that the main assembly can be used for
>>> the client profile and a separate assembly contains the stuff that
>>> requires System.Web - this way we no longer need the -cp builds."
>> Dominik convinced me there was no future for the client profiles anyway,
>> but back then I didn't think about mobile platforms, much less Xamarin.
> It is up to You. I'm willing to help.

Yes, and many thanks to that.  Back when we discussed this first, I
refrained from splitting the library because it didn't look worthwhile.
I'm not so sure anymore.

>>> Also Stefan asked me to merge code into 1.2.x (1.2.13) branch, so I'll
>>> do that in next few days and issue pull request as soon as I'm done. I
>>> will try to be least intrusive, so will probably end up with:
>> Note current trunk has been restructured quite a lot, a lot of folders
>> have been moved around and I doubt our github mirror would track that as
>> proper moves.
> So github mirror is not actual state of the project?
> I would refork it and do all the steps again. This would be few
> days. Then You could check and correct me.

Honestly I don't have much of an idea.  The github mirror is just a
mirror and we don't even get notified of pull requests - I check the
project every now and then and try to re-route issues raised there to
our JIRA.  I think there have been three pull requests so far, two of
them duplicates of JIRA tickets that had been addressed and for the
third I created a ticket and managed to close the PR through some
magical incantation in the commit message.

In short, github is not where the development of the project happens -
when it happens as all :-(

svn and JIRA at the ASF are the canonical sources.  I just had a look,
the "trunk" branch in log4net seems to be current and is where log4net
will be cut from.  I vaguelly recall suggesting to you to merge in the
1.2.x branch to get the latests fixes since your work was based on
1.2.11 or 1.2.12 - trunks looks a bit different but is largely identical
to the 1.2.x branch.

Much of the restructuring we talked about on this list last fall is
finished.  We haven't renamed the assembly, yet, and we still sign with
both keys - apart from that the documentation hasn't been updated and I
wanted to integrate sandcastle instead of ndoc.  That being said, I
don't think I've found time to work on log4net for two month (this is a
recurring theme).

>> I'm not quite sure what you are going to suggest in your pull request,
>> we'll see.
> So is that green light?

Green light for what?  Nobody will stop you from creating a pull request
or attaching a patch to a JIRA issue :-)

I for one can't promise any timely response, though.

Before you rebase your changes you may want to wait to see what Dominik
thinks about splitting out the ASP.NET dependent code, though.  For one
it would be a waste of your time if it was clear we wouldn't do it - and
OTOH I might be able to sneak in some time for log4net in about two
weeks, likely not earlier than that.


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