On Sep 12, 2016 7:43 AM, "Stefan Bodewig" <bode...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 2016-09-12, Ryan Boggs wrote:
> > On Sep 12, 2016 1:43 AM, "Stefan Bodewig" <bode...@apache.org> wrote:
> >> It looks as if System.dll now resides in mono/4.0-api rather than
> >> mono/4.0 (the later only holds Mono.Posix.dll and mscorlib.dll).
> > Ok, initial glance tells me that this could be fixed simply by updating
> > app.config file to look in the new *-api directories. I can try to fix
> > if time allows.
> Thanks.
> > Are you trying to build the log4net from the master branch?
> trunk - log4net is still in svn. :-)
Ah, ok.
> > And what platform are you using to build?Linux?
> The error occured on Linux which is where I do all my development.
> My preference would be able to use Mono on Windows as well so that I can
> build a log4net release for all supported platforms in a single build
> process. Unfortunately NAnt doesn't seem to detect any version of Mono
> I've installed on my Win7 VM at all. I tried Mono 3.12.1 and

Yeah, i noticed that this morning as well. Looks like i never got around to
putting in that setup after they fixed the registry settings in the
installer.  Since (i think off the top of my head) this is also in the
app.config file, i can try to kill two birds with one stone. Ill see what i
can do.

> Stefan

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