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Dear colleagues,
The Australasian Association for Logic will hold its annual conference
online via Zoom from Wednesday, June 23 to Friday, June 25, 2021. It will
be hosted by the University of Queensland and the University of Melbourne.

There will be three keynote speakers: Xavier Caicedo (Los Andes), Catarina
Dutilh Novaes (VU Amsterdam) and Katalin Bimbó (Edmonton).

We invite submission of abstracts in any area of logic, broadly construed.
To submit, send an anonymized short abstract (at most 2 pages) and title to
australasianassoclogic2...@gmail.com> with the subject "AAL 2021". The soft
deadline for submissions is Saturday, May 15. Submissions will be accepted
for consideration until the hard deadline of Saturday, May 22. Decisions
will be sent out in early June. We would like to encourage submissions from
members of groups that are underrepresented in logic.

Sessions will be 40 minutes each. The scheduling will be done according to
Brisbane time.

The conference website is https://blogs.unimelb.edu.au/logic/aal-2021/.

Please email australasianassoclogic2...@gmail.com<mailto:
australasianassoclogic2...@gmail.com> if you have any questions.

Local organizers: Guillermo Badia <
https://hpi.uq.edu.au/profile/3738/guillermo-badia> (Queensland) and Shawn
Standefer <http://www.standefer.net>  (SAV).


Shawn Standefer

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