*Join the Logica Universalis Webinar!*

The *L*ogica *U*niversalis *W*ebinar is a World Seminar Series connected to
the journal *Logica Universalis <https://www.springer.com/journal/11787/>*,
the book series *Studies in Universal Logic
<https://www.springer.com/series/7391>* and the *Universal Logic Project*
<https://logica-universalis.org/>. It is an open platform for all scholars
interested in the many aspects of logic. (See the full program here

The sessions take place on Wednesdays at 4pm CEST (click here
 to convert to your timezone). They are held via Zoom and are free to
attend. Please register in advance.
*Registration is now open!*

Each session of the webinar is chaired by a member of the editorial board
of the journal *Logica Universalis* (LU), the book series *Studies in
Universal Logic *(SUL) or an organizer of an event of the *Universal Logic
Project* (ULP). Sessions will start with a short presentation of a logical
organization related to the region of the speaker or the topic of the talk.
The talk (30 min) will focus on a recently published paper in LU, on a book
in SUL, on an event or on the ULP. Talks are followed by a discussion (15

The next session will be held on Wednesday, May 12 at 4pm CEST with the

Graded Structures of Opposition in Fuzzy Natural Logic

by Petra Murinová
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Chair: *Sergei Odintsov <http://math.nsc.ru/~spodintsov/>*
Member of the Editorial Board of LU

Associate Organization: *Working Group on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic
presented by its president, *Tommaso Flaminio

Video recordings of the seminars are uploaded on the YouTube channel *Universal
Logic Project <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPS1c5ApuwjuCV9UjXHUN4w>*.


*Antje Herbst*

Associate Editor Mathematics


*Springer* *Nature*

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*antje.her...@springernature.com <antje.her...@springernature.com>*



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